Date | Page | Description |
08/27/01 | 52 | Constraint 4.1.6 (item 9): The body of the method is the semicolon if, and only if, the method is abstract or native. |
08/27/01 | 114 | Lemma 8.1.2: Replace a by alpha. |
08/27/01 | 140 | Fifth paragraph: We denote by JVMS(p,ws) the sequence of words corresponding to the application of the primitive operator p to the argument sequence ws according to the JVM specification. |
08/27/01 | 152 | Figure 10.2: Replace pushFrame(c/<clinit>()) by pushFrame(c/<clinit>(),()). |
08/24/01 | 162 | Definition of execVME (case Checkcast): Replace 0 by null. |
08/24/01 | 274 | line 6: Replace seven by eight. |
07/30/01 | 229 | Why sets of reference types? Replace: Sun's JDK 1.2 verifier does not reject the bytecode. Instead it inserts an additional run-time check for methods with arguments of interface type. Hence, the compatibility of method arguments has to be checked at run-time in contradiction to the JVM specification by: Sun's JDK 1.2 verifier does not reject the bytecode. Instead it inserts an additional run-time check for invocations of interface methods. According to the JVM specification an IncompatibleClassChangeError is thrown at run-time, if the target object of an interface method invocation does not implement the interface. |
07/30/01 | 145 | Exchange stm1 and
stm2 in: If the result of the test is True (different from integer 0), then control jumps to the code of stm2. Otherwise, stm1 is executed. |
07/04/01 | 236 | Line 3 in first paragraph: Replace wich by which. |
07/04/01 | 267 | Proof of Theorem 16.5.1: Replace succs by succ. |
07/04/01 | 268 | Proof of Theorem 16.5.1: Replace succs by succ. |
07/03/01 | 284 | Definition of propagateVME (case Jsr(s)): Replace forall by forall seq (execute the rules sequentially). |
07/03/01 | 276 | Definition of verifySchemeI: Execute changed(pc) := undef and propagateVM(code,succ,pc) sequentially. |
07/03/01 | 276 | Definition of propagateVMI: Replace forall by forall-seq (execute the rules sequentially). |
06/25/01 | 263 | Proof of Corollay 16.5.1 (it should be): By Lemma 16.5.10, endgamma is reachable from beggamma via a path ... |
06/25/01 | 271 | Exercise 16.5.2: Replace regTi by opdTi. |
06/20/01 | 256 | Line 9 in second paragraph:
Replace V(alpha) = InInit by V(alpha) = [InInit]. Remark: V(alpha) is a list (by definition). |
06/20/01 | 257 | Figure 16.23, S(exp;): Replace [V(beta)] by V(beta). |
06/20/01 | 259 | Figure 16.27, S(throw exp): Replace [V(beta)] by V(beta). |
06/20/01 | 260 | Figure 16.28, S(return exp): Replace E(exp) and [V(beta)] by E(exp,[ ]) and V(beta), respectively. |
06/15/01 | 210 | Definition of defensiveSchemeI: Replace instr by code(pc). |
06/15/01 | 212 | Definition of checkI: Parameter pc not necessary. |
06/15/01 | 214 | Definition of checkC: Parameter pc not necessary. |
06/15/01 | 218 | Definition of checkO: Parameter pc not necessary. |
06/15/01 | 220 | Definition of checkE: Parameter pc not necessary. |
06/15/01 | 236 | Line before Lemma 16.2.1: Parameter pc for checkE not necessary. |
06/15/01 | 240 | Line 8: Parameter pc for checkE not necessary. |
06/15/01 | 276 | Definition of verifySchemeI: Parameter pc for check not necessary. |
06/15/01 | 278 | Second paragraph in proof for Theorem 17.1.2: Parameter pc for check not necessary. |
06/12/01 | 228 | Line 1: Replace Throw by Athrow. |
06/12/01 | 237 | Definition 16.3.1: Replace Throw by Athrow. |
06/12/01 | 239 | T7 e: Font of the second l should be equal to the first l (TeX symbol \ell). |
05/31/01 | 129 | Theorem 8.4.1 (Java is type safe):
The invariant (def5) has to be changed to If restbody*/alpha = Break(l), then break(alpha,l) is contained in dom(locals*). |
05/25/01 | 115 | Definition 8.1.8 (item 4): Replace lookup(A,Thread/run())=C by lookup(A,Runnable/run())=C. |
05/25/01 | 120 | Exercise 8.2.4: By replacing the while condition i!=0 by i>=0, we make the exercise more reasonable. |
05/25/01 | 122 | Section 8.3: Replace type(alpha) by T(alpha). [4 times]. |
05/25/01 | 130 | (chain 1): Replace type(beta) by T(beta). |
05/23/01 | 119 | Definition 8.2.3 (item 2): Replace throws exp by throw exp. |
05/18/01 | 103 | In the definition of start(ref), the expression lookup(classOf(q),Thread/run())/run() should be replaced by lookup(classOf(q),Runnable/run())/run(). |
05/10/01 | 332 | By replacing the two occurrences of IndexOutOfBoundsException by ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException we can reflect the change from JLS 1.0 to JLS 2.0. |
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